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About Scrapitude Quilts and Me

I started quilting about 20 years ago. My first quilt was from squares that a relative had made from 30’s fabrics and her husband had thrown away after she passed on. They had sat in my attic for 20 years and one day when helping my mother recover from hip surgery, I thought this might be something we could do together. Mother had quilted for years but I never thought it would be something I would like to do. I had sewn for years, knitted, crocheted and cross stitched. Quilting just seemed like endless repetition. Well, the bug was born!

After finishing the quilt from Aunt Mary’s squares, I started my own, crafted from my first quilting book with potholder patterns. I had no stash so I purchased eighth and quarter yard pieces. Each square had different coordinated fabrics and it grew to be a queen-sized bed quilt! A scrappy stash was born!

I loved the scrappy look and most of my quilts are scrappy. I soon developed a reputation with my guild as “the scrap queen”. Bags of scrap donations were always welcomed and well used.

Then I discovered Bonnie Hunter, a kindred soul. I began to follow her blog every day. Quilty friends and I compared notes as we worked on Bonnie Hunter’s mystery. When the mystery was finished, my friends said they thought I should do a scrappy mystery quilt for our group. They love my scrappiness and wanted to learn my style. It took a while but finally I was convinced.

Scrapitude (Scraps with Attitude) was presented to the Canal Country Quilters and Sandy blogged with her Quilting For The Rest of Us group. The response was so much fun and fantastic that it has grown to a life of its own with I hope you enjoy this journey with me as I share scraps of my thoughts and scrappy designs.
