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The reveal – Scraps Galore – Clue #5

Charlotte Hawkes May 8, 2024

Another year and the end of another mystery. I never thought this adventure would continue this long….over ten years now! I have to say I’ve enjoyed the whole process.  I’ve taught classes on the mysteries, done trunk shows, quilts have been entered at shows and some have even won ribbons. I certainly never thought I’d have a following of almost 3000 like minded scrappy quilters from all over the world. It blows me away. How did they find me? Who ever would have thought that this would evolve into such an adventure…….certainly not me!

I have to thank you all for your trust and willingness to follow my directions, the time you spend to cut and sew my designs, your comments – good and bad, and for not giving up and actually finishing the project. You are an awesome bunch!!!

And, I have a tip for you. I hope you clean your machines regularly. Sewing scraps usually leads to a lot of lint build up under the bobbin and sewing plate.  I usually clean mine out after every other bobbin change.  I used to use a brush that came with my machine but somewhere I learned this tip to use mascara brushes. What a great idea! The brush grabs all the lint from all the little nooks and crannies under there.  Amazon has them – 200 for $5.99. Check them out!

One more thing before we get to the clue. The last bunch of blocks have been confusing to some of you and they were to me when I started to lay them out. What a job trying to get all those arrows going in the right direction! I said more than one “quilty” words believe me! I think I have come up with a plan to save the day. Usually I lay the blocks out in rows and then sew them together. But, I found if we sew them four in a block as a four-patch, it makes the layout much easier.  So basically, as you will see, we will be making a big nine patch quilt top. And all your arrows should end up pointing in the right direction!

 Scraps Galore – 2024 Mystery – Clue #5

30. Using 5 1/2″ (7 1/2″) border #1 squares and background squares that have been cut on both diagonals, sew one section on the right and one section on the left as shown below. Press and trim dog ears. Make 4 sets.

31. Sew two border #1 sections together as shown. Press and trim. Make 4.

32. Using the last four units that were set aside, sew one border #1 unit to the opposite side as shown below. Make 4.

33. Sew the right and left sections to the remaining sides.  Make sure you orient them to the same sides as shown below. Press and trim to 8 1/2″ (12 1/2″). Make all 4.

34. Sew these 4 blocks together to make one large 4 patch making sure the border fabrics are on the outside as shown.

This is the center block of the quilt.

35. Lay out the blocks from last month that were labeled #1, #2, and #3 as shown below. Add the block shown from clue #2. Sew together to make a large corner block. Make 4.

36. Using the remaining blocks, lay out and sew as shown below. Make 4.

37. Lay out the 9 large blocks as shown and sew together to make the completed center top.

38. Using border fabric #2, cut 2 1/2″ strips for the border. Use 4 – 2 1/2″ squares of border fabric #1 for each corner. Sew and press.

39. Using border fabric #1, cut 3 1/2″ strips for the outside border. Use 4 – 3 1/2″ squares of border fabric #2 for each corner. Sew and press. Quilt as desired.

Happy Quilting!

As you may remember, I made both sizes. The large size was sewn along with you as I revealed each clue. I hope you had fun playing scrappy quilt with me. Here are how mine turned out.


Sew until next time…..Enjoy the summer…..and Happy Quilting!


I ask that you send people here to the website for information.  If you have not joined in the fun on Facebook, check me out at MakingScrappyQuiltsWithCharlotte. I love seeing all your hard work and getting to chat with you a bit.

Please feel free to direct others to this website for the information and clues. 


© 2024 Charlotte Hawkes. All rights reserved.

Written permission is required to copy and/or distribute copies of this pattern whether or not you profit from it.
